
ELITES - Special Issue Ethnic and Racial Sudies

The upcoming new elite among children of immigrants: a cross-country and cross-sector comparison. Edited by Maurice Crul & Elif Keskiner. Read the articles here.

New Diversities

Special issue of New Diversities 2014/1 now online.
Guest Editors: Jens Schneider (University of Osnabrück) and Maurice Crul (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
We think that this special issue will make a powerful contribution to current scholarly debates on migration and diversities!


Read our book Super-diversity/Superdiversiteit/Super-diversité (Crul et al 2013) in English, Dutch or French following this link

Maurice Crul: Wereldstad Amsterdam

Superdiversiteit, een nieuwe visie op het Amsterdam van hoogleraar Maurice Crul waarin autochtone inwoners sinds kort de nieuwe minderheid vormen.

"Marokkaanse vrouwen zijn nu in de stad Amsterdam de groep met de langste woongeschiedenis."

Oratie Maurice Crul

Op vrijdag 22 maart hield Maurice Crul zijn inaugurele rede als hoogleraar onderwijs en diversiteit op de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. De titel van zijn oratie is: ‘Superdiversiteit: een nieuwe visie op integratie’.


New paper out now

Our JIMI paper “Getting Ahead: Educational and Occupational Trajectories of the ‘New’ Second-Generation in Switzerland” is now out.  

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Three working papers presented at the IMISCOE 11th Annual Conference

The Swiss Pathways to Success Team presented three working papers at the IMISCOE Annual Conference in Madrid, 27-29 August 2014. IMISCOE is the largest European network of scholars in the area of migration and integration.

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Special Issue Proposal on "Family involvement and educational success" accepted

In July 2013, the Journal Comparative Migration Studies  (CMS) accepted our Special Issue Proposal on "Family involvement and educational success of the children of immigrants" (Editors: R. Fibbi, M. Crul & P. Schnell).

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New Paper

"Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund: ein grosses Potential" is a new study recently published by Dina Bader and Rosita Fibbi.

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