Coming to Terms with Superdiversity. The Case of Rotterdam

A new book in the IMISCOE bookseries of Springer by Maurice Crul, co-authored by Peter Scholten and Paul van de Laar (2019): Coming to Terms with Superdiversity. The Case of Rotterdam.

The book is open access and available to download here.

In Books 2306 downloads

Die Integration der zweiten Generation in Deutschland.

Ergebnisse der TIES-Studie zur türkischen und jugoslawischen Einwanderung. Inken Sürig und Maren Wilmes

In Books 7183 downloads

Educational Mobility of Second-generation Turks: Cross-national Perspectives

Educational Mobility of Second-generation Turks: Cross-national Perspectives

Philipp Schnell, 2014.

This volume investigates educational inequalities among children of Turkish immigrants in Austria, France, and Sweden. One of the largest immigrant groups in these countries, Turks nonetheless face discrimination and limited opportunities, and this study shows how those problems play out in education. One of its key findings is that systems that provide more favorable institutional arrangements lead to greater economic mobility in the second generation.

In Books 4925 downloads

Generation Mix. Die superdiverse Zukunft unserer Städte und was wir daraus machen

Generation Mix. Die superdiverse Zukunft unserer Städte und was wir daraus machen

Die deutsche überarbeitete Fassung von "Superdiversiteit":

In den europäischen Städten vollzieht sich eine demographische Revolution. In Amsterdam, London und Brüssel ist es schon so weit, in Deutschland werden Frankfurt, Augsburg und Stuttgart als erste folgen: Es gibt in ihnen keine „Mehrheitsgesellschaft“ mehr. Gleichzeitig werden klare ethnische Zuordnungen immer schwieriger, Mehrdeutigkeiten und Mehrfach-Identitäten immer wichtiger. Der englische Fachbegriff dafür: Superdiversity.

Wir haben den Übergang zur „Einwanderungsgesellschaft“ zwar verbal, aber nicht mental vollzogen, dabei ist dies von zentraler Bedeutung: Was muss gegeben sein, damit die superdiverse Stadt als Gemeinwesen funktioniert und ein Fundament hat, das gleichberechtigte Teilhabe und Freiheit ermöglicht? Was ist die gemeinsame Basis in einer Stadt, die nur aus Minderheiten besteht?

Ausgehend von der europäischen TIES-Studie zeigen Jens Schneider, Maurice Crul und Frans Lelie, dass wir genau jetzt an einer wichtigen Weggabelung stehen: Nur die Städte, in denen Integration gelebt wird, die allen ihren Talenten einen gleichberechtigten Zugang zu Bildung, Jobs und Zugehörigkeit bieten, werden dabei erfolgreich sein.

Die Protagonisten des Gelingens sind diejenigen jungen Leute, die die neue urbane Wirklichkeit bereits leben. Die Generation Mix ist mehrsprachig und interkulturell, sie pflegt das kulturelle Erbe der Eltern und kreiert gleichzeitig die neue Stadtkultur.

Auch zu bestellen im Buchhandel und im Internet unter:

In Books 6152 downloads

New Social Mobility: Pioneers and Their Potentials for Change

This open access book edited by Jens Schneider,Mmaurice Crul and Andreas Pott comparatively analyses intergenerational social mobility in immigrant families in Europe. It is based on qualitative in-depth research into several hundred biographies and professional trajectories of young people with an immigrant working-class background, who made it into high-prestige professions. The biographies were collected and analysed by a consortium of researchers in nine European countries from Norway to Spain. Through these analyses, the book explores the possibilities of cross-country comparisons of how trajectories are related to different institutional arrangements at the national and local level.

In Books 546 downloads

Revisiting Migrant Networks: Migrants and their Descendants in Labour Markets

This open access book edited by Elif Keskiner, Michael Eve and Louise Ryan provides new conceptualisations on the networks of migrants and their descendants in accessing the labour market. Although references to social networks are common in discussions of migration, simplified ideas of co-ethnic networks often obscure the reality, for example confounding ties with co-ethnics and ‘strong ties’. This open access book addresses key questions about the role of networks in migration contexts, particularly in relation to how migrants and their descendants, access the labour market and develop their employment trajectories over time. Rather than adopting a narrow essentializing ethnic lens, the research presented in this book explores intersectional identities of class, generation and gender.


In Books 560 downloads

Social Mobility and Identity Formation

Jens Schneider and Maurice Crul Guest Editors of New Diversities Volume 16, No. 1, 2014 

List of Contents: 

Upward Mobility and Questions of Belonging in Migrant Families by Jens Schneider, Maurice Crul and Lore Van Praag 

From Unassimilable to Exceptional: the Rise of Asian Americans and "Stereotype Promise" by Jennifer Lee and Min Zhou

Beating the Odds: the Undocumented Youth Movement of Latinos as a Vehicle for Upward Social Mobility by Dirk Eisema, Tara Fiorito and Martha Montero-Sieburth

How National Context Influences the Childrearing Practices of Second-Generation Chinese Tiger Parents by Kris R. Noam 

Reinvention of Ethnic Identification Among Second Generation Moroccan and Turkish Dutch Social Climbers by Marieke Slootman 

The Fine Art of Boundary Sensitivity. Successful Second Generation Turks and Moroccans in the Netherlands by Ismintha Waldring, Maurice Crul and Halleh Ghorashi

Social Mobility, Habitus and Identity Formation in the Turkish-German Second Generation by Jens Schneider and Christine Lang 

Turning Disadvantage into Advantage: Achievement Narratives of Descendants of Migrants from Turkey in the Corporate Business Sector by Ali Konyali 

In Books 9092 downloads


Maurice Crul, Jens Schneider et Frans Lelie (2013)
Super-diversité, Une nouvelle vision de l'intégration.
Le concept de super-diversité, en cernant les conditions d'un scénario 'avenir optimiste, offre un nouvel éclairage au débat sur l'intégration. Nous sommes à la croisée des chemins. Cette étude comparative internationale montre qu'un avenir souriant se profile dans les villes qui donnent des chances aux enfants de migrants dans l'enseignement et sur le marché du travail. C'est la deuxième génération ayant réussi qui prend l'initiative en matière d'émancipation. Les jeunes ayant un niveau élevé d'éducation propagent l'égalité des hommes et des femmes et le droit individuel à décider de leur sexualité dans leur propre communauté. La perspective de la super-diversité offre un nouveau regard sur la société urbaine. Une perspective où un groupe croissant de citadins  est fermement intolérant à l'intolérance et à la limitation des ibertés individuelles. Nous proposons une alternative progressiste aux aspects problématiques du multiculturalisme qui exigeait la tolérance  pour toutes les opinions et coutumes culturelles, y compris celles qui semaient l'intolérance vis-à-vis des autres.

In Books 5454 downloads


(M. Crul, J. Schneider & F. Lelie 2013)

Inhabitants of Dutch descent are no longer a majority in Amsterdam.
Professor Maurice Crul addresses the superdivers city in his inaugural lecture. For the first time the people in Amsterdam from Dutch origin are a minority. This brings on the question who should adapt to who?

Super-diversity draws a new perspective in the debate on integration. It argues that we are standing at a crossroads. On the one hand the multi-ethnic city is a fact: for the first time the people from Dutch origin are a minority in Amsterdam, just like all the other ethnic groups. On the other hand the idea of the multicultural society is increasingly viewed as naive, since cultural equality opens the door for undesirable cultural habits, like the repression of women.

Super-diversity offers a progressive alternative for the failed idea of multiculturalism and the worn-out call from politicians for migrants to adapt to Dutch values. In his view, the key to a successfully diverse society lies in the emancipation of second generation women. Super-diversity carries out a vision of hope. But there is also urgency to it. It shows that an un-emancipated second generation withdraws from society, and is even more conservative than their parents.

In Books 11353 downloads



Amsterdam is sinds 2011 een majority-minority city. De autochtone bevolkingsgroep is officieel een minderheid geworden. Superdiversiteit (M. Crul, J. Schneider & F. Lelie 2013) biedt een nieuw vergezicht in het integratiedebat door de voorwaarden te schetsen van een grootstedelijk toekomstscenario van hoop. 

In de leeftijd onder de vijftien jaar is nog slechts een derde van de jongeren van autochtoon-Nederlandse afkomst. Kortom: grote steden worden superdivers, zowel in Nederland als in andere West-Europese landen. Maar het ontbreekt vooralsnog aan een intellectueel perspectief op deze ontwikkeling.

Superdiversiteit biedt een nieuw vergezicht in het integratiedebat door de voorwaarden te schetsen van een grootstedelijk toekomstscenario van hoop. We staan op een kruispunt. Deze internationaal vergelijkende studie laat zien dat in steden waar kinderen van migranten in het onderwijs en op de arbeidsmarkt kansen krijgen zich een hoopvolle toekomst aftekent. De succesvolle tweede generatie neemt daar het voortouw in de emancipatie. Hoog opgeleide jongeren propageren in de eigen gemeenschap de gelijkheid van mannen en vrouwen en het individuele recht op zelfbeschikking met betrekking tot seksualiteit. 

Het superdiversiteitsperspectief biedt een nieuwe kijk op de stedelijke samenleving. Een perspectief waarin een groeiende groep stedelingen overtuigd intolerant is ten opzichte van intolerantie en beperking van persoonlijke vrijheden. Daarmee dient zich een progressief alternatief aan voor de problematische kanten van het multiculturalisme, dat tolerantie vroeg ten aanzien van álle culturele opvattingen en gewoontes, ook die welke tot intolerantie ten opzichte van anderen leiden.


In Books 18312 downloads

The European Second Generation Compared: Does the Integration Context Matter?

The European Second Generation Compared: Does the Integration Context Matter?

New TIES publication in the IMISCOE Research Series.

Edited by Maurice Crul, Jens Schneider and Frans Lelie
Data collected by the TIES survey in fifteen cities across eight European countries provide a vivid picture of how children of immigrants from Turkey, Morocco and the former Yugoslavia are progressing in local domains. Results in education, labour, social relations, religion and identity formation are not only demographically compelling, but revelational. By asking if the integration context matters – and, if so, how – we begin to answer universal questions concerning the long-term effects of incorporation regimes, as they affect migrants today and for generations to come.

download the book in OPEN ACCESS here

A paper copy can be ordered at AUP

In Books 21393 downloads

The TIES study in the Netherlands

The Position of the Turkish and Moroccan Second Generation in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. This book presents the outcomes of the TIES survey in the Netherlands and can be downloaded here (in English).

In Books 14276 downloads

Turks Abroad: Settlers, Citizens, Transnationals

International Journal on Multicultural Societies (IJMS) Vol. 11, No. 2, 2009

Christine Inglis, University of Sydney
Samim Akgönül and Stéphane de Tapia, National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)/Strasbourg University

In Books 13835 downloads