
ELITES - Special Issue Ethnic and Racial Sudies

The upcoming new elite among children of immigrants: a cross-country and cross-sector comparison. Edited by Maurice Crul & Elif Keskiner. Read the articles here.

New Diversities

Special issue of New Diversities 2014/1 now online.
Guest Editors: Jens Schneider (University of Osnabrück) and Maurice Crul (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
We think that this special issue will make a powerful contribution to current scholarly debates on migration and diversities!


Read our book Super-diversity/Superdiversiteit/Super-diversité (Crul et al 2013) in English, Dutch or French following this link

Maurice Crul: Wereldstad Amsterdam

Superdiversiteit, een nieuwe visie op het Amsterdam van hoogleraar Maurice Crul waarin autochtone inwoners sinds kort de nieuwe minderheid vormen.

"Marokkaanse vrouwen zijn nu in de stad Amsterdam de groep met de langste woongeschiedenis."

Oratie Maurice Crul

Op vrijdag 22 maart hield Maurice Crul zijn inaugurele rede als hoogleraar onderwijs en diversiteit op de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. De titel van zijn oratie is: ‘Superdiversiteit: een nieuwe visie op integratie’.

Emerging leadership

The ELITES project focuses on the upcoming elite in three sectors: law, education and business in four countries. 

Pathways to Success - Spain

Conditioning factors of children of immigrants’ successful trajectories in Madrid

The aim of the project is to identify upward mobility careers of children of immigrants, in particular of those starting from lower socio-economic backgrounds, as well as the main factors influencing their educational and labor market success. It will focus on second generation (born in Spain) children of immigrants from contrasting groups, mainly those of Moroccan, Peruvian, Dominican and Chinese origin. The findings will then be made available to a wider public, in particular to those able to influence policies and channel actions for the support of these children.

As a first step, the project will look at the quantitative data on the Moroccan second generation gathered in the research project “The Integration of the Europen Second Generation (TIES)” analyzing those cases in the sample which show a successful trajectory. It will also look in so far as possible at available quantitative data on the other groups of origin considered in this study. This will help to identify types of trajectories which will be useful in the selection of the sample for the main part of the study. The main part of the study will consist of in-depth interviews to children of immigrants aged 20 to 35 years old of Moroccan, Peruvian, Dominican and Chinese origin with emerging upward mobility trajectories in different areas. The total number of interviews will depend on the number of differing trajectories that can be identified, but will be no less than 15 per origin.  On the one hand, the project aims at comparing differences in the trajectories and in the factors that influence them within and between groups. On the other hand, the Spanish data will be part of an international comparison, together with the data collected in the other European countries.

Project team: Prof. Dr. Rosa Aparicio, Dr. Lourdes Gaitán, and Jaime Goez (doctoral candidate)

Duration: 2012-2013

The research is a project of the Centre for Studies on Migration and Citizenship of the Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset. It is funded by the Dirección General de Inmigración of the Community of Madrid.


Instituto Universitario de Investigación José Ortega y Gasset

C/ Fortuny, 53
28010 Madrid - España

Tel. (34) 91 700 4149 / 42 / 00
Fax. (34) 91 700 3530

