The upcoming new elite among children of immigrants: a cross-country and cross-sector comparison. Edited by Maurice Crul & Elif Keskiner. Read the articles here.
Special issue of New Diversities 2014/1 now online.
Guest Editors: Jens Schneider (University of Osnabrück) and Maurice Crul (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
We think that this special issue will make a powerful contribution to current scholarly debates on migration and diversities!
Read our book Super-diversity/Superdiversiteit/Super-diversité (Crul et al 2013) in English, Dutch or French following this link
Superdiversiteit, een nieuwe visie op het Amsterdam van hoogleraar Maurice Crul waarin autochtone inwoners sinds kort de nieuwe minderheid vormen.
"Marokkaanse vrouwen zijn nu in de stad Amsterdam de groep met de langste woongeschiedenis."
Op vrijdag 22 maart hield Maurice Crul zijn inaugurele rede als hoogleraar onderwijs en diversiteit op de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. De titel van zijn oratie is: ‘Superdiversiteit: een nieuwe visie op integratie’.
The ELITES project focuses on the upcoming elite in three sectors: law, education and business in four countries.
Pathways to Success is a consortium of researchers and research projects at university institutes in seven European countries.
The projects study success trajectories and intergenerational social mobility in the second generation and among peers of non-immigrant ancestry in major European cities. The different projects do not follow a single unique research design, but study similar questions adapted to national and local contexts (please see country pages for details). Pathways to Success nevertheless has a strong comparative focus – across cities and second generation groups in one country, but also internationally. The consortium began its joint work in spring 2012 and will present its comparative results in fall 2014.
The participating institutions are:
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Pathways to Success - Norway