Elif Keskiner has completed her undergraduate studies in Political Science and International Relations in Bogazici University, Turkey. She received her MA degree on European Union Studies from Leiden University, where she has written her dissertation on discourses of integration among children of Turkish Immigrants.
Elif Keskiner has followed her PhD in sociology at the University of Amsterdam. She has joined the Institute for Ethnic and Migration Studies in July 2007 as a Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher in order to conduct her PhD while working on the project: The Integration of the European Second Generation (TIES). Her PhD research was a comparative study on youth transition processes among children of Turkish Immigrants in the Netherlands and France. In that study she has combined quantitative and qualitative methods.
Elif has taught in the University of Amsterdam courses such as "ethnicy, gender and class entangled" and "divided cities" both on MA and BA level. She has supervised MA students on issues of ethnic relations, migration, gender and identity.
Her research interests are second generation, youth sociology, intersections of class and ethnicity and migration. Her expertise covers both qualitative and mixed methods research.
Elif Keskiner holds the post-doc position in the Elites Project. She is responsible for the coordination of the qualitative fieldwork in four countries where the interviews with emerging elites in different sectors will be conducted. Her post-doc research is centered around formation as well as reproduction of elite position among ethnic minority groups following a Bourdieusian approach.